CV English

           Name - Surname : Rıdvan VERCAN                                                          
                    E-Mail       :
                  Cell Phone : 0 555 531 30 46

Personal Information:
Marital status            : Married, I have two sons.
Nationality                 : Republic of Turkey
Birth Place and Date: Bursa,  01.11.1960

Bachelor of ScienceMiddle East Technical University (METU)Faculty of Arts and SciencesDepartment of Statistics, B.Sc. Year of Entry: 1979 - Year of Term.: 1983
Master of Science: METU, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Operational Research, M.Sc.      Year of Entry: 1983 - Year of Termination: 1986

Master Thesis:
An Operational Research Approach to the Cash Management Problem, METU, Ankara, January, 1986 Supervised by Prof.Dr.Halim DOGRUSÖZ who is the student of Prof.Dr.Russell ACKOFF who created Operational Research as a discipline in the World.

Occupational Experiences:
·         METU, Department of Statistics, Student Research Assistant, Spring Semester 1981
·         METU, Department of Statistics, Research Assistant, 1983 -1986
·         Turkish General Staff, Defence Research Department, Data Processing and Project Military Officer, Second-Lieutenant, 1986 -1988
·         National Productivity Centre, (currently General Directorate of Productivity under Ministry of Science, Tech. and Industry), Consultant 1988 -

Experiences about Techniques:
Kaizen Suggestion Systems, Quality Circles, Waiting Line Analysis, Kaizen Management, 6 Sigma, etc..

How I obtained Profound Knowledge and Transformational Leading:
Profound Knowledge, PRK, is the nucleus knowledge for transformation of enterprises and a country. It “relates” to my education at METU. During the consultation about productivity, I learned myself PRK in very different manner. The related techniques (known as Toyota Production Techniques, TPS, widely) and operational research-statistical-mathematical techniques of consultation also depends on my education in very different manner also. Scientifically, it affects all the other scientific fields and professions. Classical science and management science approach given at universities to us lead the human beings, public-private enterprises, countries to “death valleys”.  
So I recognized that education about PRK is absent and not known from my education years to nowadays at universities and other related entities. So I have “master of science” about PRK leading transformation of a country and enterprises from the point of top view.

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